At WPVC, we pride ourselves on being a place where everyone can find a team to play on. We know that being part of team sports can be so great for kids. When a child can play a sport in an environment which is a positive place to develop as an athlete, learn how to be a good teammate and to find a connection with friends...this is when sports can truly change lives.
We feel that our club provides that type of environment and we pride ourselves on being able to offer that opportunity to as many children as possible. Club sports requires a major time commitment as well as a large financial commitment. Some families just don’t have the means to pursue this opportunity. It's a difficult situation to maneuver when financial aid is not available. For these kids, it is impossible to become involved without it.
WPVC does what we can to help! We have about 14% of our athletes on scholarships, but there are more families who need assistance. With the loss of employment during the pandemic and inflation increasing every day, the need for financial assistance has become greater than ever.
We had been working on the idea of a foundation for several years, but it wasn’t until a club parent with a similar vision for the club they love helped us make the foundation a reality in 2022. With the WPVC Foundation in place we have a way for companies or individuals to donate to our foundation and receive a tax deductible write off for their donation. The money raised for this foundation will be used to help those truly in need of financial assistance to be able to play at our club, as well as facility/equipment upgrades. The opportunity your donations and sponsorships provide will be absolutely life-changing for all the children receiving financial aid.
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We can't wait to showcase our sponsorship partners!